Supporting and Studying Three-Dimensional Learning and Assessment Activities

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Laura Zeller, Dr. Brian Gane & Dr. Don Wink

PhD Student, Researcher & Faculty

Learning Sciences, UIC

Abstract Heading link

ALPs = Assessment Literacy for the Next Generation Science Standards Project

What is ALPs?: It is a DBR study that is engaged in co-design of a PLC for high school science teachers to develop skills around creating 3D, NGSS-aligned assessments and instruction.

This talk is based off of three talks we will be giving at different conferences:

NARST (Research on Science Teaching):

Teacher Exploratory and Expository Talk: Contrasting Cases of Unpacking the NGSS Science and Engineering Practices

In this study we examine the conversations of high school science teachers in a professional learning community (PLC) using Crespo’s (2006) categories of exploratory and expository talk. We examine two contrasting cases that illustrate how this talk is present in teacher discourse about the NGSS science and engineering practices (SEPs), and we speculate why different patterns of talk may occur. One group engaged extensively in exploratory talk that was rich with questioning and negotiation; the other almost exclusively agreed with each other and engaged in expository talk. These two cases differed in the depth of engagement with the specific SEP discussed and in the comfort level the teachers had with their SEP. We posit that the discomfort felt by the teachers prompted exploratory talk, affording them an opportunity to engage in deeper learning. In contrast, comfort with a practice might have led to talk that, though collaborative, was expository and unchallenged. We conclude by discussing how we are applying these findings to foster more exploratory talk in our PLC.

NSTA (National Science Teachers Association):

Developing Three-Dimensional Assessment Literacy for Science Teaching and Learning: A Teacher – Researcher Professional Learning Community.

We describe a professional development project supporting high school teacher knowledge and practice centered on assessment literacy in the context of implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards. The project supports teacher learning through monthly professional learning community workshops (LCW). A collaborative design team (DT) of researchers and a subset of the teachers plan workshop agendas based on observations and reflections on discussions at the school site as well as prior workshop meetings. The work focuses on student assessment as a key practice, with work done to incorporate three dimensions of the Framework for K-12 Science Education and to attend to student literacy, including with multiple texts. Five dimensions of knowledge being examined for the teachers: implementation of the NGSS, including assessment design for formative purposes and science literacies inherent in the practices of developing, carrying out and reporting science investigations.

ACS (American Chemical Society):

Unpacking strategies to develop three-dimensional learning activities in high school and college science.

One of the requirements of three-dimensional learning is the development of practical sequences for content that can be linked to different aspects of science and engineering practices (SEPs) and cross-cutting concepts (CCCs). This paper will present work being done in a professional development of high school teachers where they ‘unpack’ their content (with reference to the Disciplinary Core Ideas) to create a logical sequence. They also unpack the SEPs and CCCs at the level of their own practice (with reference to Appendix F and G of the NGSS) and then link these to the content. This permits them to develop an instructional sequence that supports instruction and assessment. Specific examples of the outcome of this process, including development and evidence-based refinement of scaffolds, will be presented. The method has also been extended into higher education and used to support the creation of sequences of learning performances as part of the ACS General Chemistry Performance Expectations program.