Enrolling in Courses

Cohorts of teachers engage in a sequence of 5 courses designed to develop mathematical and pedagogical content knowledge for teachers in grades 1–6, and to expand their tools and skills to become math teacher leaders in their schools.
Courses meet primarily online with one initial Saturday face-to-face meeting at the Learning Sciences Research Institute, 1240 West Harrison, Suite 1535A, Chicago, IL. 60607.
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First Course

We are currently recruiting for a new cohort beginning in Fall 2025.
LSRC 594 – Special Topics: Number and Operations with Whole Numbers
Please contact Kathleen Pitvorec at kapitvor@uic.edu to reserve your place.

An Illinois Professional Educator’s License (PEL) for any grade levels and at least one full year teaching experience in grades K-8.
Instructor permission required to enroll. Please contact the instructor at kapitvor@uic.edu.