Goldman Guest-Edits Cognition and Instruction
The issue highlights how the construction of knowledge through teacher-researcher collaborations challenges assumptions about agency.
Founding Co-Director of the Learning Sciences Research Institute (LSRI), Dr. Susan R. Goldman, recently guest-edited a special issue of Cognition and Instruction. Each article reveals multiple aspects of learning processes as well as outcomes for teachers and researchers. In addition to Goldman, Teacher-Researcher Collaborations as Contexts for Learning was also guest-edited by Dr. Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver (Indiana University Bloomington) and Dr. Eleni A. Kyza (Cyprus University of Technology).
“We are super excited about the publication of the Cognition and Instruction special issue focused on teacher and research collaborations as contexts for learning,” said Goldman.
The idea for the special issue emerged from a symposium at the 2019 International Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) conference on a similar topic, Goldman added. Editorial criteria for the papers in the issue were that they highlight how the construction of knowledge through teacher-researcher collaborations challenges assumptions about agency, power, and expertise with respect to the design of learning environments and how those designs are enacted.
“The learning sciences has traditionally focused on student learning with increasing attention to teacher learning,” Goldman said. “This unique issue adds to that a focus on what and how researchers and teachers learn together.”
Along with LSRI Research Assistant Professor Mon-Lin Monica Ko and Visiting Research Specialist Allison H. Hall, Goldman also has a paper, Making Teacher and Researcher Learning Visible: Collaborative Design as a Context for Professional Growth, in the issue.