Report by Prof. Josh Radinsky details deep impact of CPS school closings
Report by Prof. Josh Radinsky details deep impact of CPS school closings Heading link
A new report by LSRI Associate Professor Josh Radinsky shows that the proposed CPS school closings will shuffle more children and more students of color and with disabilities than district officials estimated.
His report, coauthored by College of Education Assistant Professor Federico Waitoller, showed that the city’s school district significantly underestimated the impact of the massive effort on students. The UIC professors show that nearly 48,000 students will shift to new schools — 58 percent higher than CPS has acknowledged.
The eight-page report also details how the impact of the closings extend beyond classroom doors. Communities and the teaching workforce will also feel the pain of shuttering neighborhood schools, they write.
Radinsky holds an appointment with both LSRI and with UIC’s College of Education. The researchers collaborated on the report through their work with CReATE, a Chicago-based group of engaged researchers.
Learn moreĀ by reading the report.