Craig W. De Voto
Research Assistant Professor
Learning Sciences Research Institute
Building & Room:
1570-V SSB
1240 W. Harrison
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Craig De Voto is a Research Assistant Professor in the Learning Sciences Research Institute at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He uses qualitative and quantitative methods to examine the implementation of large-scale federal and state policies in several different areas, including the ESEA, edTPA, desegregation, and standards-based reform. He also studies innovative approaches in preparing urban school leaders. His work has appeared in various publications, including Educational Administration Quarterly, Journal of Research on Leadership Education, Journal of Teacher Education, Journal of Educational Change, Teachers College Record, and Education Technology Research & Development. He is also Affiliated Faculty with UIC's Center for Urban Education Leadership.
Selected Publications
De Voto, C., Superfine, B. M., & DeWit, M. (2023). Navigating policy and local context in times of crisis: District and school administrator responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Educational Administration Quarterly, 59(2), 339-383.
Cosner, S., & De Voto, C. (2023). Using leadership coaching to strengthen the developmental opportunity of the clinical experience for aspiring principals: The importance of brokering and third-party influence. Educational Administration Quarterly, 59(1), 3-39.
De Voto, C., & Superfine, B. M. (2023). The crisis you can’t plan for: K-12 leader responses and organisational preparedness during COVID-19 (special issue). School Leadership & Management (online).
De Voto, C., & Gottlieb, J. J. (2021). The struggle to professionalize teaching: Examining edTPA as a professionalization and deprofessionalization tool. Teachers College Record, 123(9).
De Voto, C., Olson, J., & Gottlieb, J. J. (2021). Examining diverse perspectives of edTPA policy implementation across states: The good, the bad, and the ugly. Journal of Teacher Education, 72(1), 42-55.
De Voto, C., & Thomas, M. K. (2020). Cultural sensemaking and the implementation of edTPA technological tools: Lessons for the field. Educational Technology Research & Development, 68(5), 2729-2751.