Mara Martinez
Director of the Office of Mathematics Education
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science
Building & Room:
610 SEO
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Mara V. Martinez is the Director of the Office of Mathematics Education and an Associate professor of Mathematics Education in the Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics Department at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her research interests include design and study of learning environments aimed at providing students with meaningful opportunities to learn about algebra and mathematical proof. Her research has contributed in providing examples of specific learning environments aimed at exposing students to generate conjectures and proofs, using algebra as the main proving tool. Another research interest focuses on pre-service teachers learning of the work of teaching that puts at the center taking into account students’ thinking. Her research has been supported by the National Science Foundation.
Selected Publications
Martinez, M & Pedemonte, B (accepted). Relationship between Inductive Arithmetic Argumentation and Deductive Algebraic Proof. Educational Studies in Mathematics.
Superfine, A. C., Li, W. & Martinez, M.V. (2013) Developing preservice teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching: Making explicit design considerations for a content course. Mathematics Teacher Educator, 2(1).
Brizuela, B., Martinez, M., & Cayton-Hodges, G. (2013). The Impact of Early Algebra: Results from a Longitudinal Intervention. Journal Of Research In Mathematics Education, 2(2), 209-241. doi:10.4471/redimat
Martinez, M. V., & Castro Superfine, A. (2012). Integrating Algebra and Proof in High School: Students’ Work with Multiple Variables and a Single Parameter in a Proof Context. [doi: 10.1080/10986065.2012.657956].Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 14(2), 120-148.
Martinez, M. V., Brizuela, B. M., & Superfine, A. C. (2011). Integrating algebra and proof in high school mathematics: An exploratory study. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 30(1), 30-47.
Carraher, D. W., Martinez, M., & Schliemann, A. D. (2009). Introducción temprana al álgebra y a la generalización matemática. 12(ntes) Primer Ciclo, 4, 7-42.
Carraher, D., Martinez, M., & Schliemann, A. (2008). Early Algebra and Mathematical Generalization. ZDM, 40 (1), 3-22.
Martinez, M., & Brizuela, B. M. (2006). A third grader’s way of thinking about linear function tables. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 25, 285-298.
Professional Memberships
Selected Presentations
A Library of High School Mathematics: Teaching and Learning Videocases.
Research Currently in Progress
Mathematics Education, Teaching and Learning of Algebra, Teaching and Learning of Proof, Teacher Education