Kathleen Pitvorec
Research Assistant Professor
Learning Sciences Research Institute
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1570-G SSB
1240 W. Harrison St.
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Kathleen Pitvorec received a B.A. in Anthropology in 1987 and an M.S.T. in 2001 from the University of Chicago and a Ph.D. in Learning Sciences (Math Ed focus) in 2016. Dr. Pitvorec has been an elementary school teacher in both public and private schools, and a curriculum developer and author on Grades 1–6 mathematics textbooks. She has taught university courses for inservice and preservice teachers and has also developed and implemented workshops for inservice teachers, teacher-leaders, and administrators at the local and national levels. Finally, Dr. Pitvorec has worked on a variety research projects related to mathematics education, including projects focused on preservice teachers making sense of mathematical ideas, on teachers’ implementations of formative assessment practices using a reform-based mathematics curriculum, and on exploring how curricular materials can support English Language learners.
2016 - PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago, Learning Sciences
2001 - MST, University of Chicago, Elementary Education
1987 - BA, University of Chicago, Anthropology